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TRAINING offerings focus on the acquisition of relevant knowledge, development of competitive skills, and reflection on application and action to create change.  Training programs are designed based on the needs of an individual organization, or in response to the priorities of governmental RFP's.  Our training design uses adult learning principles and is responsive to diverse learning styles.  

Training workshops also include some commercial training offerings on topics such as leadership, team development, coaching for success, and generational difference . Our training design expertise enables us to develop custom offerings for your needs. Evaluation of our offerings is conducted using multiple methods including an impact survey that is aligned with measuring success at adapting training skills to the work of the individual trainee. 

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE engagements,  "consulting services", focus on 'alignment'.   Organizations exist in a competitive environment. The impetus for survival is to ensure that the organization is aligned to trends, challenges, and changes in its industry. Services in this category include work on visioning, strategic planning, organizational assessment, and system design (e.g. revision of organizational processes, procedure and policies, development plans).

Technical Assistance seeks to create sytemic improvement that results in increases in performance for the organization.

COACHING is a dynamic, human-centered experience aimed at increasing personal and professional efficacy.  The A-Game Model describes five phases of the coaching engagement to include: initiating Assessment, establishing Agenda, creating Alignment, monitoring Action, and realizing Achievement. These programs are intense person-centered strategies that are aimed at developing resilience and enhancing Personal Mastery.

Professional Coaching engagements are available for individual leaders and project staff, institutional or organizational teams, or to strengthen training initiatives, as a follow up service. Coaching improves leadership development, accelerates learning adaptations, and expands personal capacity. Coaching is delivered by certified practitioners, under the supervision of a Master Coach.

Technical Assistance
Professional Coaching
Leadership Development
Program Review
Capacity Building

Research indicates that there are four core capacities that all organizations need to be effective:

1) adaptive capacity: the ability of a nonprofit to monitor, assess and respond to and create internal and external changes,

2) leadership capacity: the ability of all organizational leaders to create and sustain the vision, inspire, model, prioritize, make decisions, provide direction and innovate, all in an effort to achieve the organizational mission.

3) management capacity: the ability of the nonprofit organization to enusre the effective and efficient use of organizational resources, and

4) technical capacity: the ability of a nonprofit organization to implement.
ORGANZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT begins with a Capacity-Building Plan which will highlight the top priorities for improving your organization's effectiveness, and is based on an assessment of the four capacities and organizational culture, and its lifecycle stage. 

This offering specifically includes pre-award reviews that determine whether current and prospective federal award recipients and subrecipeints are capable of managing federal funds. This review documents the adequacy of an organization's business management system. A business management system review includes examining financial management policies, procedures, and controls maintained by an organization, particularly those which affect incurred costs.  These elements include organizational structure, accouting systems, policies and procedures, budgeting, purchasing, personnel, and internal controls. 


PROGRAM REVIEWS are conducted in three phases which include 1) financial capability questionaire, 2) document review of operational processes, and 3) interviews of key program staff. The assessment is benchmarked to federal standards and includes strengths and potential areas of deficiency.  The evaluation report is prepared for the organization's leadership.

Self-discovery and self-awareness are essential to developing our capacity to lead.  And a core component in that process includes personal reflection and analysis of our own behaviors as leaders. Equally as valuable is insight and feedback from those around us who know us well, who have experience of us in our role as a leader, and who are committed in their support of our personal development to provide honest input into the behaviors we exhibit to others. Combined, these essential perspectives provide invaluable insight into how we view ourselves as a leader, how others view us, and what actions we can take to improve our effectiveness.  


LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT activities can be facilitated through training offerings, coaching interventions, or can be a customized engageement designed for succession planning, for student development, or in preparation for an organizations expansion.

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